
   Mo - Sa 07:00 am - 06:00 pm
  +49 (0) 3378-8054 90

Apprich Secur GmbH

Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse 5
D-14974 Ludwigsfelde

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+49 3378-8054-0

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About us

Innovation from Brandenburg

For more than 30 years, we have been dedicated with passion to the special protection of cash-in-transit vehicles, trucks, VIP buses and other personal protection vehicles. Our excellent market position is secured by our very high level of digitalisation and innovation. We integrate armouring as well as electronic and mechanical security systems into different types of vehicles and also realise other individual conversion services. We are characterised in particular by the fact that we carry out all work steps, from planning and development to the production of the installation components and the conversion of the vehicles, with the highest quality standards at just one company location.

With our network of service partners, we also ensure a modern and comprehensive service for all our products. And not only in Germany. Our authorised service partners offer the best possible support throughout Europe and speak the respective national language. Regular training ensures that both our staff and our partners are always highly competent and up to date.


Milestones of our history

Our success story at our site in Ludwigsfelde began in the 90s and continues until today. Please join us for a travel back in time.

2025 - 5000 vehicle handed over

We are celebrating the handover of our 5000th vehicle conversion since the company was founded in 1992. We would like to thank our customers, partners, suppliers and above all our employees, without whom we would not have reached this milestone.

2022 - 30 years of Apprich Secur

We are celebrating our 30th company anniversary at our location in Ludwigsfelde. We are very proud of our company history and look forward to many more years together with our customers, partners and suppliers.

2019 - With farewell, there is no new beginning

Due to a professional reorientation, the managing director Mrs. Großer retires after more than 25 years working for the company. The new managing directors Marco Bauch and Jörg Lorenz started their work in December 2019.

2012-2017 - Security technology setting new standards

After nearly 15 years activity in our service, CEO Dagmar Lauckner retires from the company in 2013. Her successor becomes Uta Großer. In the same year, the product portfolio is opened to the class of heavy weight, armoured trucks with armoured driver’s cabs and box bodies. ProCav® protection for cargo and vehicles is introduced in 2014. The prevention department of the LKA of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen – Germany) has incorporated ProCav® into its recommendation list of crime prevention. In 2017 Apprich Secur celebrates its 25th anniversary in their Ludwigsfelde headquarters.

2007-2011 – Service throughout Europe

Meanwhile Apprich Secur delivers Secur® cash-in-transit and value vehicles to Greece, Lithuania, Serbia, Cyprus, Denmark, Macedonia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary and Slovakia.

2002-2006 – Capacity is being extended

In 2002 we deliver our first armoured 3-axle Secur® touring coach. One year later the first armoured Volkswagen transporter T5 is introduced to the Volkswagen AG. In 2003 we receive the TÜV certificate DIN EN ISO 9002:2000 for ‘Development, production and distribution of cash-in-transit and value vehicles’ for the first time. Due to the transition towards two production lines, the production capacity can be increased in 2006. Apprich Secur exports now also Secur® cash-in-transit and value vehicles to countries like Finland, Norway, Bulgaria and Czech Republic.

1997-2001 – Opening new markets

During 1997, Apprich stopped the production of armoured limousines. The focus of the company now lies on the future core competencies. Secur® becomes a registered trademark for Apprich special security vehicles. Clients now include Sweden, Romania, Austria, Liechtenstein und Switzerland. In 1998, the first Secur® busses are delivered and the German patent for the ‘automatic sliding door’ is granted. Founder Harry Apprich dies in 2000 at the age of 73 years. Dagmar Lauckner takes over the management. The Apprich Secur 2000 GmbH transforms into the Apprich Secur GmbH and establishes itself as one of the leading providers of cash-in-transit and value vehicles.

1992-1996 – A New beginning

In 1992 the company moves its business location to Ludwigsfelde. On the first of February the productions starts with only fifteen employees. Parts of the production portfolio are armoured limousines and all-terrain (4x4) vehicles, as well as the first serial manufactured cash-in-transit and value transport vehicles. Just one year later the first Apprich vehicles will be delivered to Russia and the former CIS countries.

1971-1991 – The earlier Years

The birth bell of our company tolls in 1971 with the founding of the Apprich Feinmechanik GmbH (Apprich fine mechanics) in Hochdorf of Baden-Württemberg. The company develops, constructs and produces large diameter circular knitting machines for the production of carpets in the automotive industry. During the 80s the company decides to strike out in a new direction. In 1987 they produce their very first specially secured vehicle with a multi-layer bonding technology. The Apprich & Partner GmbH is founded.

© 2025 • Apprich Secur GmbH • Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 5 • D-14974 Ludwigsfelde Germany
T: +49 (0) 3378-8054-0 • •